Seasonal Jobs – February

Here we show you some of the things we do in the garden throughout the year. Below are some key seasonal jobs to consider in February…

Miscanthus sinensis ‘Morning Light’

What Not To Do!

We thought we’d start this blog with something different!.. Now is not to the time to get out in the garden and to start hacking away at the dead plants. Many should be left for not only the wildlife, but because they add interest and beauty to the garden in winter. Start by getting yourself out there to enjoy what’s interesting in the garden, without a daunting task list – Once you’re out you’ll soon find yourself immersed in the little things that need doing and tidying.

Hydrangea paniculata ‘Little Lime’

Leave Hydrangea’s Alone!

Leave Hydrangea pruning until after the last frosts (around the end of March in Brighton), not only to provide some protection, but also because they look fabulous. When it is time to prune, we find the RHS provide the best guide.

Seasonal Jobs - February
Let the Digging Commence!

Dig, Weed & Improve

Later winter is the time to start improving the soil. It should be soft enough to dig and to remove weeds, although shouldn’t be dug over if soaked as you’ll damage the structure.

Seasonal Jobs - February
Apple Tree Pruning

Tree Pruning

Prune those stray branches on your deciduous trees now, whilst they’re dormant & before it’s too late. Include apple and pear, but leave plums until spring to avoid silver leaf disease. Remember to look out for the 3 D’s – dead, damaged and diseased. Also, when you find crossing and rubbing branches, remove the least aesthetically pleasing ones. The RHS tree pruning guide is a good place to go if you’re unsure.

If you need any help with you gardening click here for our services.